Trace Exact Location

Amol Rangari
4 min readApr 29, 2022


Trace any device’s location like a pro.


Disclaimer:This Page does not promote or encourage any illegal activities,all contents in this page is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only.

1.Kali Linux

Lets install Seeker first,

Seeker Installation:

Open a terminal ,then type

•git clone

step 1 for seeker installation

now in the same terminal type
•cd seeker

then type
• ls
to list the files present in that directory.

step 2 seeker installation

then type
•apt update

step 3 seeker installation

then for installing python3 pip,type
•apt install python3 python3-pip php

step4 seeker installation

After completely installing the pip package,then type:
•pip3 install requests

step5 seeker installation

Now we have successfully installed “Seeker” in our Kali Linux.

Now lets install the next required item, i.e. ngrok,

Ngrok Installation:

To download ngrok, click on this link :

then after downloading go to the Downloads directory,
•cd Downloads

then we need to unzip the downloaded ZIP file,so we manually go to the directory containing the ngrok ZIP file,

then follow the following steps:

1.right click on the ZIP file
2.then at the bottom click on “Extract Here”
3.then you will notice an executable file named “ngrok” has been extracted.

Then switch back to terminal,

then before running the file we need to give it executable permission,so on terminal we use the following command:
•chmod +x ngrok

Now we need to create an account in ngrok,
so visit this site,

login page of ngrok

now at the bottom there is option to create a new account or open ngrok with your GitHub or Google account.

Do what is best for you,then after login you will notice a section named as “Connect your account”,there u will find a authentication token.
copy that token and switch to terminal,then paste the authtoken you copied from your ngrok account.

Now it is all ready to run,
Run ngrok by typing the following command in your terminal:
•./ngrok http 80

Now everything is good to go.

Now comes the main part of our project, i.e. tracing device’s location.

So for that ,open a new terminal and type the following commands:

  • cd seeker
  • sudo ./ -t manual

main page of seeker

Now You can see we got few templates in front of us,so we can choose any template of our choice, for this project i used WhatsApp,so i just typed “2”.

Now it will ask for few infos just provide them,for my case it is asking “Group Title:”,so i just put any name ,and then i filled up all details it asked.

Now we have successfully created a PHP server,and now we need a target to access it.So,

Now,open a new terminal
then open the folder where you have kept your ngrok file(by default it should be present in Downloads directory)

  • cd Downloads
  • ls
  • ./ngrok http 8080

Then after clicking it will open a new window of ngrok.
So there you will find a “FORWARDING LINK”.
copy that link and send it to your target.
Then after the victim interacts with that link you will notice a session will start in the Seeker terminal.

Then you will get each and every details about your target’s device ,you will get your target’s IP address,ISP details and much more.
And then Below you will find the location details,its longitude,latitude,even you will get the accuracy range.
Below that you will find a Google Map link, just click on the link and you will be able to trace your victim.


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Amol Rangari

I am Cyber Security Expert, Security Researcher and bug hunter